Tuesday 16 August 2011

our community island

in our class we have been starting a community island so have room 3 where we have to write a note of application to be on the island for free everyone has started writing one on the note you write what your job is and how useful you would be on this island and on the note of application you must write about your years you are between 21 and 39 so you have to talk about your primary years secondary years and post school that is poly tech or university and talk about where you come from.

Monday 8 August 2011

prime minister story

1. If I was the prime minister of NZ I would filter the water so the aqua life can have the opportunity we have with fresh water with no pollution in New Zealand water's.

2. If I was the prime minister of NZ I would ban all smoking in New Zealand especially in nature reserves.

3. If I was the prime minister of NZ I would treat prisoners equally so they can learn and try to improve on their mistakes.

4. If I was the prime minister of NZ I would give the poor and big family's a better amount of money then the rich. And give the poor and big family's a better price for paying for things like bills.

5. If I was the prime minister of NZ I would make all foods and water bills cheaper just in case if a disaster hits us.

So vote Bailey for prime minister!

Monday 1 August 2011

during the long weekend.

During my long weekend we walked up hills and tracks for the first week. On Wednesday we picked up dog poo and on Friday we went to have lunch with the owner of the dogs called Richard.
Then we went to the movies on the next week we mainly stayed at home.
On Thursday we went to the crepery the crepery is a restaurant across from Burger King
and next to the information center.
on Sunday we had to watch Joe and Frances get confirmed at mass.