Monday 13 June 2011

Matariki kites

Through out the seiner classes we are celebrating Matariki by creating kites out of rapau and toitoi we used toi toi to make the frame and rapau to make the inside. To some people this is hard but to me and my group it is fun we are using the harakeke to tie it together we strip the harakeke into three miller metre wide pieces then use a ruler or a pair of scissors to scrape out the inside until the harakeke is soft and wobbly then you can use it to tie the rapau together you muse weave the rapau then once you have gone through six of them go back and make a crisscross shape once you are done tie the weaved harakeke strip together and then move on to the next one. You should probably start at the basic kite a triangle me and my group have almost finished our kite I think they are going to look awesome.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

science fair

Later on this year we will be having our school science fair the best projects will be put in the school science fair. Science fair is a good way for children in New zealand to get out there with their science project all of totara are expected to join in with science fair. many people are thinking of great ideas for their science project some people are testing them and others are just explaning something like one of my choices will be super nova

matariki poem.

matariki poem

M aori new year.

A stronomy.

T o be seen arouned the world.

A musement in early mornings view.

R ejecting all the stars with its glowing light.

I ngredient of amazment.

K ia kaha matariki.

I t is a contellation.