Monday 23 May 2011


Kororia ki te Matua nui i te rangi. Maungarongo ki runga i te mata o te whenua. whakaaroa pai ki nga tangata katoa.
glory to the father in heaven. Peace on the face of the world. goodwill to all the people.

kia ratou ma kua wheturangitia. haere, haere, haere, Haere koutou ki tua o te arai.
to those who have now become like the stars. Travel, travel, travel onwards to the next realm.

kia tatou kua huihui mai nei i tenei rangi, tena tatou katoa.
to all of us here gathered today, greetings to everyone.

e te whare e tu nei, tena koe.
to the house standing here, greetings.

tenei te mihi kia koutou nga manuhiri tuarangi. nau mai, piki mai, kake mai. Ko te tumanako ka hua tenei huihuinga o tatou.
i greet all of our distinguished guests. welcome, welcome, welcome. The hope is that our gathering together is a fruitful one.

kia koutou nga poutokomanawa o tatou no Te pouahi, tenei te mihi maioha kia koutou. ihiihi ana te ngakau i te mea kua whakato mai e koutou i te kakano matauranga ki roto ia ahau, otira ki roto ia tatou katoa nga tauira o Tepouahi. Tena koutou katoa.
to the steadfast leaders of Tepouahi, this is a warm greeting to you all. My heart is overjoyed because the seed of knowledge has been planted within me, within all of us here, the students of Tepouahi. Greetings to you all.

ki koutou nga rangatira o apopo. Kia kaha koutou ki te tu kaha, tu maia i roto i nga mahi katoa, ahakoa te aha.
to you all the leaders of tomorow. stand tall, stand proud in everything that you may do, no matter what.

ka oti taku korero ma te whaktauki;
mauri mahi, mauri ora, mauri noho, mauri mata.
i would like to end my speech with proverb. work brings health (prosperity), wile laziness brings sickness and bad fortune.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Bailey on getting your mihi all typed up! I love the way you have translated it into English so that I can read it too!
    Ka pai!
